Ethics in the language is plural, and its singular is morality, and it refers to the set of psychological qualities of a person and his actions that are described as good or ugly. The power established in the will that makes a person choose what is good and good if the character is generous and benign, and makes him choose evil and corruption if the character is bad and ugly. Virtue refers to the high degree of virtue and character, and is divided into two parts; Either it is humane or divine, for human virtue is that which is based on human feelings, such as tenderness in nature, honor in the soul, desire for righteousness and aversion to evil. In Islam, human and divine virtues meet, as the Muslim loves good and is known to people, hates evil for them, and does not harm any of them, and all of this is in pursuit of God Almighty’s approval. various creatures; Following the divine approach, and seeking to obtain the pleasure of God Almighty.